Court-ordered and probation approved Outpatient Therapy includes, Enhanced DUI Outpatient (EOP), online
Relapse Prevention, online Anger Management, online Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT).
Enhanced outpatient therapy is indicated when an assessment reveals that an individual may benefit from drug and alcohol treatment that are more intensive than Level 1 or Level 2 DUI Alcohol Classes.
Enhanced Therapy is for clients that are CURRENTLY ENROLLED in DUI treatment and have been referred for EOP by their PO (Probation Officer) and/or Attorney. FEES: Intake: $75 (Waived if current client); Each session: $30; Workbooks: $30
Relapse Prevention therapy seeks to identify high-risk situations in which an individual is vulnerable to relapse & to use both cognitive & behavioral coping strategies to prevent future relapses in similar situations. The goal of treatment is to help people recognize the early stages of relapse, how to cope with triggers, and how to develop healthy coping skills to manage day to day life without the use of drugs & alcohol. Classes are weekly & typically conducted in a group setting.
Online Relapse prevention can be attended voluntarily or as part of the Enhanced Outpatient Therapy program when taking Level 1 or Level 2 DUI Alcohol Classes. FEES: Intake: $75 (Waived if current client); Each session: $30
Anger can lead to problems with friends, family & at work. If unchecked, it can cause you to lose marriages, friends & other relationships, even your job. We help you learn how to control your anger so it doesn't control you. Anger management classes are weekly & typically conducted in a group setting.
Anger management can be attended as part of the Enhanced Outpatient Therapy program when taking Level 1 or Level 2 DUI Alcohol Classes. FEES: Intake: $75 (Waived if current client); Each session: $30
Anger Management
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT
Moral reconation therapy, MRT, is a type of cognitive behavior treatment system that leads to enhanced moral reasoning, better decision making & more appropriate behavior.
MRT seeks to decrease recidivism among both juvenile and adult criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning; resetting the moral compass, if you will. MRT is systematic and implements a cognitive-behavioral approach, which positively addresses a client's ego, social, moral, and positive behavioral growth. |
Online MRT is conducted over 16 two hour sessions. Classes are weekly & conducted in a group setting.
FEES: Intake: $75 (Waived if current client); Transfer: $75; Each session: $30
FEES: Intake: $75 (Waived if current client); Transfer: $75; Each session: $30