Colorado DMV
Colorado DMV
Must have COLORADO Driver's License or be applying for a new Colorado Driver's License.
The Colorado DMV cannot process re-instatements for out of state driver's licenses.
The Colorado DMV cannot process re-instatements for out of state driver's licenses.
By requesting an Affidavit of Enrollment (AOE), you understand that:
📌AOE's may be revoked by the DMV at any time due to excessive absences.
📌The DMV requires discharge from treatment and revocation of your AOE if you have 4 or more no-shows in a row.
📌AOE's may be revoked by 5280 Human Care Center for non-payment of group balance.
📌AOE's may be revoked by 5280 Human Care Center for non-compliance with attendance.
📌If AOE is revoked, lapses, or expires, you may be subject to a $95 reinstatement fee by the DMV.
📌If negatively discharged for payment/ attendance issues, AOE's must be re-instated with the DMV.
📌Re-enrollment with 5280 Human Care Center is $25.
📌AOE's may be revoked by the DMV at any time due to excessive absences.
📌The DMV requires discharge from treatment and revocation of your AOE if you have 4 or more no-shows in a row.
📌AOE's may be revoked by 5280 Human Care Center for non-payment of group balance.
📌AOE's may be revoked by 5280 Human Care Center for non-compliance with attendance.
📌If AOE is revoked, lapses, or expires, you may be subject to a $95 reinstatement fee by the DMV.
📌If negatively discharged for payment/ attendance issues, AOE's must be re-instated with the DMV.
📌Re-enrollment with 5280 Human Care Center is $25.
📌The DMV requires attendance and expects that you complete treatment in a timely manner.
📌The DMV requires an estimated date of completion on the affidavit. Non-compliance with attendance, may cause your affidavit to expire before you complete your treatment.
📌If you receive a letter from the DMV stating that you have not complied with treatment requirements, you will need to request an updated affidavit to reflect your new estimated date of completion.
📌The DMV requires an estimated date of completion on the affidavit. Non-compliance with attendance, may cause your affidavit to expire before you complete your treatment.
📌If you receive a letter from the DMV stating that you have not complied with treatment requirements, you will need to request an updated affidavit to reflect your new estimated date of completion.
📌Our team will prepare your affidavit of enrollment and send it to the DMV for processing.
📌A copy of your AOE will be uploaded to your client portal within 24-72 business hours.
📌Once the DMV has confirmed that they have received and processed your AOE, we will send a CONFIRMATION or RESPONSE to your client portal, generally within 24-72 business hours.
📌NEW CLIENTS: You must enroll and attend your first group before an Affidavit will be submitted to the DMV.
To request a copy of a previously ordered affidavit, please click here.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.”